Friday, June 03, 2005

suzy homemaker...

i was quite the suzy homemaker today. this is the side i've been neglecting for let's say, oh 2 years now. i have flashes of martha moments but i've been too busy finding myself recently.
i'm in my late 20's, what can i say?

what brought about out my inner domestic goddess you ask? a hibernation that is a result of depression. well, not exactly the clinical kind, it's more of the i-don't-want-to-deal-with-the-world variety. after family and work drama, both taking hits on my most inner vulnerable self, i should be ready to re-emerge sometime next week. i can't even arm myself with ben & jerry's as i am trying to cut down on my sweets this pregnancy. i did manage to make it to the gym though.
don't these people know i'm an esfj? the high "f", deeply sensitive kind? throw a pregnancy into the mix and man, it's been rough. i feel like i've been kicked when i'm down.
on a brighter note, i love my husband all the more. i've been feeling deeply connected to him lately, like he might be the only person on the planet that really gets me. like the safest person in the world. he's been on overdrive caring for me and loving me.
my kids are right there too. josiah came in when i was lying down the other day to say,
"mom, i know you are having a hard day. i love you so much mama..."
what five year old says this kinda stuff? i swear i'm not laying around crying all day- he is so damn intuitive.
and jack continues to be be his cheerful, chatty self. he constantly refers to himself in the third person and is convinced that is name is "jackie-boy".
so josiah and i made a homemade empanadas and chimmichurri sauce for dinner tonight. we finished with baking a cake for jorge's birthday party tomorrow. i forgot how long it takes to make everything from scratch.
if jorge was home and my house was clean, i might never leave...well, maybe for some ben & jerry's...