CAPITAL letters and other grammar injustices...
when my sister started her blog forever ago i noticed something a little different the first time i read it.
she never used capital letters. i found this sort of strange but i kinda liked the way it looked. the girl has a knack for making such rebelliousness look cool and artsy. so just for fun, i lost the capitals when i wrote my e-mails. it was nice to never have to press that pesky shift button on my keyboard. i felt a little reckless, like all the english teachers in the world would be appalled and instantly be getting out their red pens trying to mark them on the computer screen.
and then it just turned into a big ole' bad habit. i had to remind myself when writing e-mails for work that my boss might not find my all lower case writing so appealing. and then it hit just felt wrong to use capital letters. why do some letters get to be big and important and others stay little? it felt like an injustice of sorts. i like when all the letters are together, standing side by side, coming together to make something meaningful and compelling. just because you come at the beginning of a sentence, that means you get to stand out and tower over the rest of the letters? the last shall be first is all i'm sayin' people.
but then there are those moments when the letters should get to decide together that they want to say something big. the letters then could decide to to make themselves big and all the others letters would want to support the big letters because they are doing it together!
and then my thoughts turned to punctuation. i have a tendnecy to over use the exclamation point a bit. but by golly why shouldn't i?!!!!! i think it's a wonderful tool and we don't use it enough! and then there are those times for the three little periods (god knows what they are called)...sometimes i just can't complete a sentence, sometimes i'm just not ready to end it- period. i like leaving things out there, so you can have a chance to think it over a bit and it not be so final...i love those little things.
so i don't know why i feel i must explain my poor grammar but i feel compelled today. i guess our world just isn't ready for letter equality and exclamation expression...maybe someday. a girl can dream...